Cognitive resource application is the "Rules of the Kazakh language", which allows the user to learn the grammar of the Kazakh language and replenish your vocabulary. The program will be an excellent assistant student or student in the classroom of the Kazakh language, it is perfect for those wishing to explore / review the rules.The current version includes:1) 50 of the rules on the Russian and Kazakh languages;2) 10 useful services, among which: 2.1) Fonetikalyқ Taldau 2.2) Kөptіk zhalғau 2.3) Septіk zhalғau 2.4) Zhіktіk zhalғau 2.5) Tәueldіk zhalғau 2.6) nіkі / dіkі / tіkі 2.7) Antonimder sөzdіgі 2.8) Sinonimder sөzdіgі 2.9) Omonimder sөzdіgі 2.10) Transliteration (corresponding changes to the Decree of 19 February 2018)3) 5 training mini-games: 3.1) Soz-Suret (select the correct answer from four options on the question of the picture. The database contains more than 500 pictures) 3.2) Rebus (Rebus in the Kazakh language with tips on Russian) 3.3) Dar aғashy (Hangman. Guess the word by using the letters of the alphabet and the ability to make a limited number of errors) 3.4) Zhұmbaқtar (Riddles in the Kazakh language with tips on Russian) 3.5) Kartochkalar (picture-card, divided by 12 themes)